Outreach Ministries
"I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another."
John 13: 34
Fulfilling God's Call
God has called us to serve our community and each other. Here are some ways in which we answer that call!

Community Outreach
Being fully present in and serving the needs of our community through action, prayer, and love.

Caring for Our Parishioners
Supporting each other in the parish, and uplifting those in need of a helping hand, or experiencing hardship.

Cultivating Community
Continuing to cultivate an open and affirming, intergenerational community that is a safe space, where all are welcome.
Outreach Ministries
Here are some of the ministries at St. A's! All are welcome to answer the call to serve, and encouraged to reach out if you like to join or support a particular ministry. Click one of the ministries below to learn more. Contact Mother Jana with any questions you have!


Caring for Our Community
The Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP) is Tempe's only homeless lodging program. It offers job training, resume-building, and an opportunity for clients to save money while relying on the generosity of local faith communities to provide meals and housing. Saint A's provides a hot meal on the fourth Friday of every month and hosts IHELP in our parish hall on the first Sunday of the month.
Contact the office or Mother Jana to learn how you might get involved.
Caring for Each Other
Help care for our congregation through the changes and challenges of life. Provide a meal for our parishioners recovering from surgery, grieving the loss of a loved one, or welcoming a new family member.
If you would like to be part of this ministry or need this kind of assistance please contact the office or Mother Jana and we will get you plugged in.
Meal Train

St. Benedict's Closet

Caring for our neighbors
St. Benedict's Closet is a food and hygiene pantry maintained by our parishioners to serve those who come to St. Augustines' looking for assistance.
Since the majority of our neighbors seeking help don't have a kitchen, the closet is stocked with non-perishable food. Cans should have pop tops so can openers aren't needed.
Check the spreadsheet to see the current list of needs.