Liturgical Ministries

What are liturgical ministries?
From the Altar, to the vestments, to the candles and incense, to the collects and hymns and choir, our common prayer in The Episcopal Church is liturgical. "Liturgy" is "public work", and we come together almost every day of the week to offer this sacred work of worship to Almighty God as members of the Church for the life of the world.
A liturgical ministry is any specific work of service related to our life of common prayer, and the ministries below are some of the ways to serve here at St. Augustine's.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a prayerful group of parishioners whose ministry is to care for the Altar, vestments, vessels, and linens of the parish.

An Altar Guild Prayer:
Most gracious God, who has called us your children to serve in the preparation of your altar so that it may be a suitable place for the offering of your Body and Blood; sanctify our lives and consecrate our hands so that we may worthily handle those sacred gifts which are being offered to you.
As we handle holy things, grant that our lives may be illuminated and blessed by you, in whose honor we prepare them, and grant that the people who shall be blessed by their use may find their lives drawn closer to Jesus Christ our Lord, whose Body and Blood are our hope and our strength.
Contact Ruth to get involved in this sacred, prayerful work.
Liturgy Guild

Some "public work" is more public than others, and if you'd like to serve "up front", consider joining the Liturgy Guild.

Below are some of our specific liturgical roles:
8am Rite I Low Mass Reader | Server | Usher
10:30am Rite II High Choral Eucharist: Subdeacon | Crucifer | Torch Bearer | Lector | Chalice Bearer | Intercessor | Greeters/Presenters/Ushers | Thurifer (occasionally)
Contact Prior Chad to take part in this ministry.
Music Guild

Rooted in the ancient traditions of sacred music, the Music Guild at St. Augustine’s features a variety of instruments and voices to lead our musical worship during the 10:30am Sunday Eucharist and at various holidays throughout the year.
The guild also prepares music for prelude, offertory, at Communion, and postlude each week, exploring a vast repertoire of early, classical, and modern compositions.
The Music Guild also includes a Schola Cantorum (small choir) of 2-6 voices on a rotation.
Contact Choirmaster Stefan Dollak for more information and to set up an audition!